Friday, July 25, 2008

Raelee-isms elbow is "blooding"!

~Daddy....are you going to work or to the fire station today? (I thought that was priceless!)

~Brad was trying to think about something and told the kids they need to quit screaming for just a minute. Now, as a mom, I would just be glad they were running around screaming, and not holding on to my leg screaming. Just saying! Anyway, Raelee politely asks Brad," can you just hold your ears for a minute, I really need to scream a little." (then she laughs very softly like Ernie on Sesame Street)

~ Raelee has an outfit that she loves and it's long sleeve but the sleeves are too short. She wanted to wear it to Dallas this weekend, so I told her to put it on and I would fix the sleeves. I made a mark with a pen where I was going to cut it off and sew it. She had this god awful look on her face. I said, " It's OK, I'm going to cut it and you won't be able to see the mark." She said, "NO, not that! If you cut my arms off, everyone will know, because I won't have any sleeves.!" I assured her that I was going to use the scissors, AFTER she took the shirt off.

~An outfit came in the mail yesterday that Raelee had been waiting on. She was dying for me to give it to her.
Me-How much do you love me?
Rae- I love you for a WHOLE week!
Me-OK, well show me how much you love me
Rae- I love you from my toes to my fingers and everywhere in the middle
*OK....everyone together....aaawwwww!

~ And lastly.....Raelee has a bear that sings one of the songs from GREASE. Here is a look at the lyrics, then Raelee's version.
Lyric- You're the one that I want....oh baby....ooohhh,oooohhh,ooooohhh
Rae- You know what I want?..... A baby....ooohhh,ooohhh,ooohhh
Lyric- You better shape up, cause I need a man
Rae- You better shape up, cause I don't need no man
*So basically, she's saying.....she's wants a baby, but no man!

That little munchkin never seems to amaze me. She has got such a vivid imagination. I hope she never loses that passion that she has to pretend. She is going to grow up to be such an amazing woman someday, and I can't wait to see what she'll be. I love you my Raelee Rue!