Sorry I haven't posted in a while. We all had a bit of a stomach bug last week, so it was a little wild in the Johnson household. But, all is well, Daddy is back to the fire station, Raelee goes back to summer camp tomorrow, and mommy and Colton hit the road running errands.
Mom, Alisha and I took the 4 kids to Sci-Port a couple of weeks ago. They have such a blast playing together. We had a GREAT....but Raelee loves to follow Dylan, and Colton and Alyssa just run in every direction. That's the fantastic thing about Sci-Port! I am so glad they get along and play together so well. There's nothing better than having a family day. Here are a few of our pics.
After Sci-Port, we went to Strawn's. Dylan and Raelee sat patiently at the bar watching the food and desserts being made. If you're not from Shreveport, Strawn's is the BEST stop for some good ole pie after an afternoon of fun!
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