Monday, July 7, 2008

Only a princess

So, Raelee and I are having a princess tea party last night. She informed me early on when we have tea parties, we must talk with an English accent. We always have to have the same 2 names, Dinka and Fashion.....don't ask because I don't know. We switch up and are never the same ones. Not that it matters, but this particular party, I was Fashion. We are pretending with our best English accent and sipping our pretend tea when Raelee turns to me very proper and says(still in an English accent), "well I do believe I have to poo-poo". I couldn't help but die laughing! I had tears in my eyes so bad I couldn't see anything. She couldn't understand what was wrong, but I couldn't even catch my breath enough to answer her! When I finally composed myself I told her I just thought that it was funny and she says(again in an English accent), "Well Fashion, princesses do have to poo-poo too, and sometimes it's during a tea party."
I'm sorry, but I just had to share that. My cheeks are hurting now from laughing so hard. It may be one of those, you had to be there moments, but it was to good to pass up. Only my little Raelee could make pooping so proper during a tea party!