Friday, August 1, 2008

Don't you LOVE it when you......

...get to spend a family day with the hubby and kids

...see your children hug, and your oldest sing the baby a lullaby (even if she does have an agenda)

...cut open a watermelon that is just right

...go to bed on crisp sheets, straight from the dryer

...hit all the green lights on Youree Dr. into something from the pre-baby days

...find a great deal while shopping

...get tickets to the LSU season opener (thanks pappy!)

...get a fresh hair cut (and highlights)

...get to have a date night with grown ups

...when you make new wonderful friends, and run into old ones

...know you have the most wonderful family in the world!

* I could go on forever, but I figured I would leave some for you to post. Leave me a comment on the things you LOVE!