Monday, September 29, 2008


Hold on to your seats.....Tonight I went to Kindergarten Open House at Eden Gardens for Raelee for next year. That's right, KINDERGARTEN! I walked the halls wondering how my "baby" is going to be in a big girl school next year? Art rooms, Music rooms, Cafeteria....oh my! Let's not get ahead of ourselves. First we have to test some time at the beginning of the year, then find out if she can get in to one of the magnet schools. Keep your fingers crossed, because I don't have a clue where else she would go. Her pre-school teacher is doing a wonderful job preparing them and getting them ready for "big school". Raelee is enjoy getting to go to school everyday, so I don't think it will be too big of an adjustment for her...just me. In the mean time, we will enjoy being in preschool and TRY not to stress about the "BIG K". (even though we already have to start the process NOW!)

P.S. It made my feel really old seeing a lot of my friends there for their children. We are now those parents saying, " oh, I went to school with her mommy", or "your teacher was one of mommy's friends"....GEEEZ!!!!!


Stacey Kannenberg said...

Just wait, you turn around and they are in 4th and 2nd grade!!! Happy Getting Ready For Kindergarten!

Smiles - Stacey