Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Back On Track

So the last few weeks have been a little...well a lot......nuts. There's been sickness, medical scares, busy work weeks, and everything in between. BUT, I think we are getting somewhat back to normal. I think God has really blessed me with real estate lately, and I know he is going to do the same with all of the crazy medical things going on with my family right now. More to come on that in the next few days. I promise I will do better blogging from now on and keep everyone up to date. The kiddos are doing great and growing so fast. Colton is getting better each week with Mothers-Day-Out. As most of you know, Raelee is obsessed with horses, unicorns, ponies etc..... I bought her this horse twirl dress and she LOVED it! She wore it to school the other day and just had to take pics. She twirled around the house making herself dizzy. Then you know, Colton had to start twirling too.