Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Gustav Schmustav

For all of you who read this that used to live here in Shreveport, or still have family here.....everything is fine. We haven't gotten near the winds that they were expecting us to have. We are still not totally out of the woods yet as far as rain goes, but I think the "bad" stuff missed us. It is suppose to rain here for the next few days, but as long as it is just a steady rain, and not terrible down pours, the flooding issue should be fine. Our power flickered a few times last night, but that was it. Brad was laughing at me because I was charging the kids portable DVD players up. Sorry, can't be stuck in a house without electricity with two kids without some kind of entertainment other than coloring books, and games. We can only color so many princess pages! We still have 11,000 evacuees here, so it's pretty nuts at all the stores. That is just the numbers at the shelters. There are many others who were able to stay at hotels or with family. They will probably let them start returning home in the next couple of days. So, keep everyone in your prayers that are returning to flooded homes, and I'll keep ya posted on the never ending rain here!