Friday, March 6, 2009

Poor Lil Raelee

I haven't blogged this week, because the Johnson house has, yet again, been infected. I was sick with a horrible bug Monday and Tuesday, then Raelee got sick Wednesday night. She was sick from both ends from 8pm til 10am the next morning....NON STOP! She was OK, off and on yesterday, and slept last night. I thought she would do good today, but no luck. We ended up taking her to the doctor, and they sent us straight to the hospital. She is dehydrated and will be getting fluids for the next couple of days. With a little luck and a lot of prayers, they said if she perks up tomorrow, we can maybe go home. Fingers crossed, but not holding breath. She has been so brave and the nurses already love her. She did soooo good with the IV, thanks to a little numbing before the stick. I have Brad's laptop, so I will keep everyone posted as often as I can. Also, thanks to Grandmother for keeping Colton the last couple of days. We have kept him as far away as possible. Brad is getting him tonight to send him love and hugs from mommy. I miss my little snuggle baby sooooo much. So, keep the Johnsons in your prayers and I will keep everyone updated.


Carrie said...

I am just now reading this....poor baby and poor mommy. I will pray for a fast recovery and rest for you all.