Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sad Part Of Motherhood

My little Colton is going in to have his tonsils and adenoids out tomorrow. This poor baby snores like a grown man and you can tell he is having such difficulty breathing. I have been so upset and felt so terrible for my little man. It's so hard for a 22 month old to understand why he can't have milk the second he wakes up in the morning, or why these strange people are taking him away from mommy. I asked God why have both of my children been in the hospital in the last 2 months? I am so frustrated and tired of my babies feeling bad. I was up late last night, and was reading some of the other mom's blogs that I love, and I realized how selfish I was. Some of these mother's have been in the NICU with deathly ill babies for months, not knowing if they would make it another day. Some of them are begging God for their children's lives. I am so thankful that God has given me two of the most beautiful, wonderful and HEALTHY children. Yes, they have had common childhood illnesses, but they are HEALTHY. They are tucked in their OWN beds, at their OWN home, not some hospital clear across town. So, even though I am terrified for my sweet baby Colton, I am so thankful that it is something simple that can be fixed. No mother wants her child to ever feel pain. There are some things that are out of our control, and it makes our heart hurt for them. Please keep Colton in your prayers tomorrow morning and I will update everyone as soon as we are home.


southern daze said...

How's he feeling?

Carrie said...

Still thinking about your sweet boy and hoping he is recovering well.

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Hope you are having great trip. I just gave you an award, so visit mey blog.