Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Colton Saga

Sorry it has taken me sooo long to update on Colton, but is literally the first time I have been on the computer since before the surgery. I have held the little munchkin for the last five days. He is currently taking a nap for the first time in his bed. Needless to say, I am one pooped mamma! The surgery went fine. They removed his tonsils...which were the size of Texas....and his adenoids. He was very mad when he came out of surgery and nothing could calm him down. He was trying to rip his IV out, which by the way, they only had tape over. I mean, come on now, the first thing a baby is going to do is rip out the IV! When we got home he was so restless and couldn't sleep. By Saturday, we had taken him off of the pain medicine and antibiotics, because they were just making him itch like crazy. He's had a few nose bleeds, so I took him in today for the doctor to look at it, and he said the throat looked fine. He is healing well... just frustrated. It hasn't stopped him from eating. He's not eating full meals, but he's not settling for ice cream and jello either. The boy likes his meat and fruit. Hopefully him laying down by himself twice today, means he will sleep tonight! Let's just all pray for mommy's sanity. Thank you for all your sweet emails and prayers : )

Riding around in Day Surgery
After some good drugs


Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...


I just tagged you on
"8 Things"! Hope you have a great week.