Monday, December 21, 2009

Not ME Monday

It' been a while since I've done "Not Me Monday", so I figured I would catch up and tell you about all the things that I would certainly NOT do!

First, I have not let the kids have pizza every other night when daddy was at work, because I was just too stinkin exhausted to cook. Not Me! I provide my children with the healthiest food possible at ALL times.

Also, I did not try to be smart and do the whole "one stop shop" thing at Walmart today.I hate Walmart, never go there (Target is my domain), so why would that happen. Not just because I needed a prescription, oil change, ribbon and groceries, and figured it would be the quickest.....uggghh

Never would I go to Burger King twice in one week...once for a cinnabon cheesecake, and again for funnel cake stix. (YES, Burger King makes funnel cake stix!) Again, I am always considering healthy that was totally not me!

I was not super excited that my husband was going back to the fire station after being off for 22 days, (YES 22 days!) only to count down the number of days again until he was off so I could just sleep late ONE day.

Last, I have not once used our elf "Henry" for bribing purposes at all. He is strictly a fun little elf that spreads Christmas cheer, not tattles to Santa whenever he sees you misbehaving. That would be so wrong of me to use that poor sole in such a negative way, and I'm am not the mommy to do that!