Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sensational 7!

I can not believe that I woke up this morning and my “baby” girl is 7 years old! She has grown so much this year. She started Upward Cheerleading last winter, t-ball in the spring, and Soccer and Girl Scouts in the fall. She loves 1st grade and has made many new friends. I am proud to say she is a straight A student on the honor roll. She also lost her first tooth, and is working on losing many more.

I love all the things we get to do together. She is a daddy’s girl at heart, but loves a great Girl’s Night Out with mommy. We are so much alike, therefore butt heads sometimes, but she always knows she can count on me and tell me anything. This little girl has brought so much joy to my life, and I am so thankful that God blessed ME to be her mommy. With a heart of gold, a love for life, and her simple compassion for others, she is going to go very far.

I love you my sweet Raelee, and pray that God continues to bless you each and every day. You are my angel, and I am honored to be on this journey as your mommy….MUAH!

This morning, Grandmother and Pawpaw brought over her birthday present. We have had rain and sleet, so we didn’t get to get out and celebrate, so it was a nice treat.DSC05305                                The pink marshmallow gun she had been begging for!

DSC05306 A dress-up trunk for her doll.

DSC05310                                In their matching 50’s dress.

Grancee and Pappy came over later, and daddy had to go to the fire station. We spent the evening watching movies, sitting my the fire, and playing with all the new stuff : )DSC05311 HAPPY 7TH BIRTHDAY RAELEE MICHELLE!