Sunday, February 28, 2010

Build-A-Bear Party

Raelee was invited to her friend, Karaline’s, birthday party at Build-A-Bear. It has been a rainy, cold mess…but, this was a party she DID NOT want to miss. She was so excited! We went with Jenni, Janie, and Mrs. Toni, and headed down for some girl’s fun. The girls got to pick out anything for $16. Raelee decided to have a melt down, because of course, she wanted the $18 horse. Couldn’t I have just given her the $2? Absolutely….but since she embarrassed to poop out of me, she got a $14 bunny and a pair a bows! They ended up having a fantastic time. After stuffing their new friends, they headed down to Stone Cold Creamery in the “stone freezing wet cold”! They had ice cream, and opened gifts. I am so glad that Raelee has made such sweet friends this year :)DSC01985DSC01986 DSC01991 DSC01996 DSC01999 DSC02001 DSC02004 DSC02005 DSC02006 DSC02008