Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Top Picks

So, not sure if many of you are fans of the show "The Bachelorette" like I am, but it is a must see. It's honestly a guilty pleasure. Some of these poor boys have some major issues, but they are just too funny to take your eye's off. Speaking of eyes....let's start with David. The guys gets so wasted and starts freaking out on every guy there. He looks alot like "The Rock", and his eyes just may bulge out of his head at any given moment. Then there is Tanner. He has a MAJOR foot fetish. All he talks about the entire show, is how he wants to kiss, suck, and lick Jullian's toes. Hello, I'm vegging out during the show, can we not make me hurl my junk food! Also, we have the pleasure of listen to an up and coming country singer from Texas, sing his song....over and over and over...... that he wrote for Jullian. Give this boy a record deal and move him along already. Last, let's discuss Juan. He a sweet gentleman that is always there for Jullian. Oh, how sweet. But, let's not look past the fact that he also always compliments her clothes, hair, jewelry, and make-up. Uh yeah....that's a little much. By compliment I mean, " oh you look fabulous, what designer is that you're wearing?" Brad just wants me to have clothes on when we leave, and do it fast! I believe Juan thought he was signing up for The Bachelor, not the Bachelorette.... and I don't mean to BE the Bachelor.
My top 2 favorites are ED and JAKE. They are both true gentlemen with J-O-B-S! Let's not look past the fact that they are HOT too. Jullian has some tough choices ahead, but I'll stand by on Monday nights....or whenever I get around to watching the DVR version.....and cheer my boys on : )
So who are your favorites?


southern daze said...

Although he seems a bit too perfect I've liked Jake from the beginning. Wasn't a huge Ed fan until this week and now I like him a lot. While I agree with your assessment of Wes now I must admit I liked him the first night. However, after hearing the same song (and the same parts of that song) over and over and over, I'm over him now! It also drives me crazy how he's always the first to hug her or greet her when she walks into a room.

David has some SERIOUS anger/alcohol issues and needs to go! Juan is definitely not right for this show and foot fetish Tanner needs to go soon! I'm so tired of hearing him drone on and on about all the different things he wants to do to her feet. Are you freaking kidding me?!

While I don't think he'll stay much longer I do rather like Reed. He's not right for her but seems like a genuinely sweet guy.

Wonder who the final 2 will be. If the show stays true to form one will be a "good" guy and the other will be a "bad boy" that she feels intense sparks with. Should be interesting...

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Jake on the Bachelorette...he is from our very own Covenant church! He had Pastor Kathy pray for him before he left for the show.

This was on Mike and Kathy Hayes's daughter's website....the day the show began...remember the man that is Denny's good friend....from Covenant Church...interesting...I have not watched the last episode but have it taped..

Hope your kiddos are better